Center for Technology and Society – Website online!

Digital Go for interfaculty and inter-university cooperation at the CTS - Center for Technology and Society at the TU Wien.

 Illustration of an abstract model from bars

© Urheberrecht


The "Center for Technology and Society" (CTS) - developed by the TU Wien together with the University of Vienna, FH Campus Wien and FH Technikum Wien - realizes interdisciplinary and cross-university cooperation on a variety of technology- and society-relevant issues. The work of the CTS supports concrete projects and funding applications as well as collaborative study programs and third mission activities and strengthens trans- and interdisciplinary as well as inter-university cooperation in Vienna through these formats.


Since November 2019, the CTS has been working at the interface of technology development and social responsibility, networking specialist scientists and social stakeholders to initiate projects. Fundamental insights into the experienced interdisciplinarity as well as empirically tested insights and basic theoretical assumptions form the content of the CTS's work. The CTS team - Manuela Brandstetter, Hilda Tellioğlu, Florian Cech, Fabian Fischer and Hayley Green - is looking forward to visitors to the site, which has just been launched. You will also find the current call for proposals for eligible projects there.