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eset is discontinued

eset is unable to restore the no longer working key extension.

eset has informed us that they are unable to restore the previous functionality. Therefore, we have to discontinue eset as of May 31, 2025. Due to the sudden and unilateral discontinuation, we currently have no replacement product. We therefore recommend either switching to the operating system's functionalities or bridging the time until a replacement product is purchased with an extension of eset.

Please cancel eset by 15.04.2025 if you wish to take over the endpoint security yourself or switch to the operating system functions.

We will automatically renew all eset bookings still active on April 16, 2025, so that operation is guaranteed until at least the end of 2025 (all keys run for 1 year). The billing for eset automatically ends at the end of the year and all bookings are automatically canceled. If your eset installation has already expired, please let us know via ticket (stating the booking number) if you would like to extend it by another year. All renewals require a license key exchange, where you have to manually enter the new key into your installation.