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Projectdatabase - new Workflow

In the last months the developers of the TISS team have revised the project system. From now on, projects can be created before applying for a grant.

 Screenshot TISS - new Project

[Translate to English:] TISS - Projektanlage NEU

Up to now, projects have usually only been recorded in the project database (PDB) just before, during or after the conclusion of a contract. In order to comply with the guidelines of the Vienna University of Technology,  however, all projects (including those according to § 26), scholarships as well as educational and university management projects, regardless of their volume, must be entered with their basic data in the project database BEFORE applying to a funding agency or before signing a contract with the funding agency in order to obtain confirmation from the institute management of the personnel, infrastructure and room resources required for project implementation.

Accordingly, the workflow of the project database has now been adapted: thus, the project proposal must already be entered BEFORE the application is submitted to the funding agency and an approval by the institute management must be obtained for submission. This should ensure that the necessary information and resources are available at the institute.

In addition, in the future a catalogue of questions will be used to collect information that is necessary during preparation, administration and project management in order to inform responsible support units and to provide assistance, for example, with data protection, ethical aspects, data management plans, etc.

Any possible conflict of interest is now also mapped directly in the PDB - it is no longer necessary to fill out and send paper forms.
In the course of the revision, the financial terms relating to research projects were also sharpened. The information that is now queried regarding the financing of projects has been restructured and is intended to represent the entire project financing (including own funds and, if applicable, partner financing). If you have any questions outside the help texts, please contact the staff of Project Controlling and Research Support.
For better orientation, the presentation of the project progress has been made clearer and simpler.

You can find the documentation on the redesigned project attachment and the new application/offer approval at:, opens an external URL in a new window

The basic rule is:

The approval is to be carried out by the head of the research area (FoBL) (up to €100,000) or the head of the institute (IL) (over €100,000). It is possible to file a document in the PDB (pdf) if the FoBL or IL would like to file additional information on the approval/resource confirmation (additional support, for example, from the dean, VRFI, etc.).
This rule applies analogously in the central areas - there the head of department (FaBL) or the head of department (AL) is responsible for the approval.
To carry out this preliminary release, a new menu item "Approve application submission" was created. This lists the projects that are to be approved. It is also possible that higher functions in the hierarchy can also carry out this task, i.e. the task is also displayed in the PDB for the respective higher levels. However, the necessary information e-mails are only sent to the person directly responsible.
If several institutes are involved, then this must be carried out for each sub-project.
The further internal project release or contract release after receipt of the project approval by the funding body or research partner follows the workflow already known (only the statistics section has been slightly adapted here).
The changes will be available from 29 July 2020. The data from projects that have already been completed or are in progress will be transferred and will continue to be available for viewing. This may mean that projects that have already been submitted will have to be approved retrospectively according to the new workflow. If this is necessary, this can be seen in the PDB. Projects in draft ("Buffer draft") are not migrated.

Contact & Help:
If you have specific questions regarding the operation of the TISS project database or TISS research portfolios, please contact the TISS Helpdesk at +43 (1) 58801 - 420 09 or .

For general questions about the research portal, the research information systems of the TU Vienna and the Wiki Research Support, please contact Sabine Neff (+43 58801 406101 or ), Department Research Information Systems.