Planned maintenance in the IT data centre on May 19, 2023 (Rector's Day) between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m.

The data centre is the backbone of all important services. Its stability and performance are indispensable for TU Wien.

Update 12:30 pm: The maintenance work was finished successfully, all services are up & running.

In order to continue to guarantee these requirements, it is necessary to carry out planned maintenance in the data centre. This maintenance will affect many IT services of TU Wien in the short term.

As part of the reconstruction, the VSS system in operation, which is reaching its capacity limits, will undergo a technology upgrade. This involves replacing the existing hardware with a modern router platform that is sufficiently equipped with 100G ports.

We are carrying out this maintenance together with our service partner K-BusinessCom AG.

Together with the IT service managers, we are endeavouring to keep downtimes as low as possible.

Thank you for your understanding.