980508: What's New in GDS/NSWTS Info Space ?

Updated May 7

What's New in GD & NSWT Services ?

What's New in Goodie Domain & New Software Technologies Services ...
keeps you up to date about updates, new entries, modifications and
adjustments in the information space of both services.

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Quote of the Week:
Faster notebooks, a radically revised desktop model called the
"iMac," and a rising stock price are revitalizing Apple Computer, a
company that had long been buffeted by falling market share and
quarterly losses.
-- "Mac momentum mounting", cnet, May 7


( See also [8]Previous modifications )
Legend: N: new entry | U: (significant) update | D: delete | I: For
Your Info

* N - 980507: [9]NSWTS, WWW Provider's Tools, Primers: SELFHTML, ein
HTML-Tutorial von Stefan Münz (deutsch)
* U - 980507: [10]NSWTS, WWW Provider's Tools, Primers: HTML 4.0
Specification, rev. 24-Apr-1998
* N - 980506: [11]GDS, Editors: Xemacs
* N - 980504: [12]NSWTS: Linuz Gazette #28
* N - 980424: [13]GDS, HW-related: Iomega goodies
* N - 980422: [14]GDS, HW-related: Epson Driver

Mailing List Subscription

Interested in email notification about GDS & NSWTS updates ?
Just send an email to Mailing List Service @
(subject and text body can remain empty).
See also [67]Mailing List Service for other mailing lists.

Updates are also posted in ZID-News and usenet groups
at.tuwien.software, at.tuwien.edvz.neuigkeiten.


+[1]IU Info Service
+[2]IU News
+[3]GD Service
+[4]NSWT Service
+[5]List Service