990421: What's New in GD Service ?

Updated Apr 21
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U: update
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I: For Your Info

[1][GDLOGO] Goodie Domain Service
[2]Zentraler Informatiokdienst
[3]Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Quote of the Week

American Programmers are lazier than their international
counterparts, a recent study by Howard Rubin finds. In addition,
European programmers were found to be more disciplined and more
adept at programming than their US counterparts.
-- CNN Interactive, via NUA, Apr 19

What's New in GD Service ?

* N - 990420: [4]Opsys, Linux: DE-HOWTO: Deutsches Linux HOWTO

* N - 990414: [5]Languages, Scheme: drscheme
* N - 990414: [6]Graphics: IrfanView tutorial
* N - 990414: [7]Opsys, Unix: UnixHelp

* N - 990407: [8]HCI: www.gnome.org

* N - 990407: [9]Infosys, Listservers: Esquire
* N - 990407: [10]Infosys, Network, Tools: Mtr
* N - 990407: [11]Opsys, Linux: Redhat's rhcn

* N - 990326: [12]Languages, C++: Intro to OOP Using C++
* N - 990326: [13]PC: QickTime

* D - 990325: [14]PC: McAfee

* N - 990323: [15]OpSys, Linux: Trinux
* N - 990323: [16]OpSys, Linux: DOSLinux
* N - 990323: [17]HCI, Window Manager: Enlightenment
* N - 990323: [18]HW-related, Linux: PCMCIA

* N - 990322: [19]Study Room: Baccala's Internet Encyclopedia
(excellent; with search option)

* N - 990308: [20]Infosys, Security: OpenSSL

* N - 990305: [21]Infosys, Network: Kame
* N - 990305: [22]Infosys, Servers, FTP: BeroFTPD
* N - 990305: [23]Texteditors: Vim
* N - 990305: [24]Opsys, Linux: Java (www.blackdown.org)

* I - 990208: Troubles with free disk space and ftp access during
the last few days

* N - 990129: [25]DB: Postgresql
* N - 990129: [26]DB: PostgresqlWWW

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