Forte Free Agent (neuer Windows Newsreader) auf

Auf liegt ab sofort auch die neueste Version des
MS-Windows Newsreaders Forte Free Agent 1.0.82: < URL: > Ausserdem gibt es dazu auch Frequently Asked Question: < URL: > ------------------------------------------------------------------

Zur Auswahl eines Windows Newsreaders der folgende kurze Auszug
aus dem neuesten Winsock Client Listing:

There is no best news reader. Different programs present
different strengths in areas like speed, features, stability,
ease of use and personality. There are differences in what is
important to a newcomer versus what an experienced power user
demands. Trumpet News and WinVN provide good overall choices in
a online news program. Trumpet is beginning to show its age
whereas WinVN is being more actively developed. Both have basic
capabilities for threading (following the postings on a
particular topic). A powerful new program, News Xpress, is
potentially a significant improvement over both of these with
improvements in both speed and threading.

For advanced features and excellent performance there is also the
new program Free Agent. It was particularly designed for offline
reading to help reduce connection costs. As with any program with
many features be prepared to invest a little extra time in
becomming familiar with it and customizing the options to your
