March NSFNET backbone stats

Hi -

A while back, some folks were asking,
What percent of Internet traffic is network management traffic?

There is no single central Internet provider to provide this measure,
however, the NSFNET has been a primary national Internet core backbone.
With that asterisk out of the way, find below I have last months traffic

Notice that SNMP traffic makes up about one-quarter of one percent of the
packets that traversed the NSFNET backbone last month. This percentage has
been relatively consistent over the years.

It is also interesting to note that this is the first month that WWW
traffic became the #1 user of the network.


Cheers -


NSFNET Traffic Distribution Highlights


March 1995

Packet Total: 88,497,052,300
Byte Total: 20,239,988,701,200

Service Name Port Rank Packet Count % Pkts Rank Byte Count % Byts
============ ==== ==== ============ ====== ==== ============= ======
www 80 1 16880373100 19.075 2 4833271270950 23.880
ftp-data 20 2 13869566100 15.672 1 4898203038300 24.201
telnet 23 3 7347386400 8.302 6 596006936550 2.945
nntp 119 4 7177207050 8.110 4 1683707014200 8.319
smtp 25 5 6228147200 7.038 5 1000861707300 4.945
ip -4 6 5444825900 6.153 3 1704644586650 8.422
domain 53 7 4355316300 4.921 8 453140710200 2.239
irc 6667 8 2165553000 2.447 9 264637445500 1.307
gopher 70 9 1734408900 1.960 7 496925911550 2.455
icmp -1 10 1649076250 1.863 11 127051123050 0.628
ftp 21 11 1427247950 1.613 12 100463313750 0.496
unidata-ldm 388 12 498679750 0.563 10 153553668500 0.759
X0 6000 13 377145700 0.426 14 64822021550 0.320
finger 79 14 364442250 0.412 21 22594763100 0.112
vmnet 175 15 234402350 0.265 13 98476865350 0.487
login/who 513 16 231283500 0.261 17 31224967100 0.154
snmp 161 17 227731850 0.257 18 29504869300 0.146
talk 517 18 185071650 0.209 23 19101924400 0.094
auth 113 19 183445800 0.207 33 7999432350 0.040
(unknown) 1023 20 179382650 0.203 20 27499253500 0.136
cmd/syslog 514 21 142396000 0.161 16 34306863300 0.170
ntp 123 22 134839300 0.152 31 10024794350 0.050
igmp -2 23 126358500 0.143 15 49837556700 0.246
(unknown) -99 24 118704100 0.134 22 22280252950 0.110
(unknown) -47 25 102707700 0.116 26 17704418500 0.087
bgp 179 26 97226150 0.110 41 5518187150 0.027
(unknown) 500 27 92729800 0.105 19 27839622850 0.138
(unknown) 1022 28 71798750 0.081 27 13809463450 0.068
efs/router 520 29 65670450 0.074 29 12465650850 0.062
uucp 540 30 54617250 0.062 25 18293802800 0.090
z39.50 210 35 32756050 0.037 32 9350869200 0.046
ntalk 518 41 26454500 0.030 52 2767660700 0.014
prospero 191 71 5560550 0.006 37 6337210600 0.031
X1 6001 99 2783050 0.003 182 276473900 0.001
X2 6002 138 1502700 0.002 300 107901550 0.000
shilp/sun-nfs 2049 142 1453100 0.002 190 263413050 0.001
X3 6003 148 1410850 0.002 253 151876450 0.000
iso-ip -80 368 287950 0.000 517 15561700 0.000

Ordered by decreasing packet counts, this table includes the top 30
services and highlights other selected services.

Information for this report is available only for TCP/UDP port
numbers 0-1023, 2049, 6000-6003, 6667, and all Internet Protocols
(differentiated from TCP/UDP ports by negating the protocol number).

More detailed information is available for Anonymous FTP from
NIC.MERIT.EDU (the Merit NIC Services machine) in the file
"nsf-9503.ports" on the nsfnet/statistics/1995 directory.

NOTE: During December 1994, some of the numbers contained in this report
began to decrease, as NSFNET traffic began to migrate to the new network
architecture. This report will be discontinued by spring 1995, as
Merit will be unable to collect comparable data in the new environment.

William B. Norton
Merit Network Inc.
e-mail: phone: (313) 936-2656
------------------------------------------------------------------------- < NIC.MERIT.EDU > /nsfnet/statistics/1995/nsf-9503.highlights