Microsoft Compute-Cluster Veranstaltung am 8.3.2006

Supercomputing Goes Mainstream - Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003

Der ZID veranstaltet in Zusammenarbeit mit Microsoft einen Informationsnachmittag zum Thema:

Supercomputing Goes Mainstream - Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003

Ort: ZID, Seminarraum Roter Bereich, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, 2. Stock, DC02F22
Datum: Mittwoch, 8. März 2006, 14:00-17:00

Vortragender: Matej Ciesko (Microsoft)

The first part of the presentation will cover Microsoft's vision on high performance computing as well as a technical introduction of Windows CCS 2003. We will outline the current industry and research trends that led to the development of Win CCS, and its usability, strengths, and benefits to the user.
(10 - 30 minutes)

During the second part we will demonstrate on a live cluster how it all fits and works together. For this we will be developing on stage a simple scientific application simulating pairwise forces on particles, as it can be found in molecular dynamics modeling or astrophysics, for example. This will include writing a simple equation solver in C++, parallelizing it using MS-MPI, debugging and tuning using VS tools and deploying the solution on the live compute cluster. The demo is to demonstrate flexibility, usability and cost/performance relation of Microsoft's new high performance solution.
(45 - 60 minutes)

Q&A (30 minutes)

Wir ersuchen Sie, uns Ihr Interesse am Besuch dieser Veranstaltung unverbindlich mitzuteilen.

Kontakt: Hartwig Flamm
Tel: 58801 42092