Microsoft Developer Network (DevNet) UPDATE Juli95

Die Microsoft On-Line Dokumentationen

Microsoft Developer Network (DevNet)

CD-ROM Updates: Disc1 ==== > Development Library July95
Disc2-19 = > Development PLATFORM - Level II)

Knezevic Milan, Dipl.-Ing. < > TU-Wien, EDVZ - Institutsunterstützung 23.August.1995
====================================== ==============
Knezevic Milan, Dipl.-Ing.
Systems Support / Computing Services
(Windows NT, OS/2, DOS-Windows, ... , (UNIX))
Vienna University of Technology
EDV-Zentrum InstitutsUnterstuetzung IU
Guszhausstrasse 25/ III Stock E020b A-1040 Vienna AUSTRIA
Phone: (++43-1) 588 01-3614 Fax: (++43-1) 505 6849
Dept. Info Server: " Erst wenn
der letzte Baum gerodet,
der letzte Flusz vergiftet,
der letzte Fisch gefangen,
werdet Ihr feststellen,
dasz man Geld
nicht essen kann! "

" The Microsoft Development Library provides a comprehensive
source of programming information for developers of
Microsoft Windows-based applications. The Library contains
hundreds of in-depth technical articles, specification,
complete documentation sets, sample code, tools, utilities,
Microsoft Press books, and the Microsoft Developer Knowledge Base. "

" The Microsoft Development PLATFORM (Level II) delivers the latest
released U.S and international versions of API-level software development
kits (SDKs), SDK extensions, device driver kits (DDKs) and DDK extensions,
and Windows and Windows NT Workstation operating systems from Microsoft.
The documentation accompanying many of these SDKs and DDKs is included in
the Develompent Library. "

stehen ab sofort am SoftWare-Server (
allen lizenzierten Usern zur Verfügung.

Hinsichtlich der Anmeldung und weiterer Informationen über "DevNet"
wenden Sie sich bitte an Fr. Schörg < > .

Für technische Problemme bei der Installation bin ich zuständig.