October 1994 Internet Host Count

Internet Domain Survey Network Wizards October 1994


The Domain Survey attempts to discover every host on the Internet by doing
a complete search of the Domain Name System. The latest results gathered
during late October 1994 are listed. For more information see RFC 1296;
for more data see the zone directory on ftp.nw.com, or www.nw.com .
-- Mark Lottor


 Number of Hosts, Domains, and Nets Advertised in the Domain Name System


Replied Network Class
Date | Hosts Domains ToPing* A B C
Oct 94| 3,864,000 56,000 1,024,000 93 4831 32098
Jul 94| 3,212,000 46,000 707,000 89 4493 20628
Apr 94| -N/A-
Jan 94| 2,217,000 30,000 576,000 74 4043 16422


Oct 93| 2,056,000 28,000 69 3849 12615
Jul 93| 1,776,000 26,000 464,000 67 3728 9972
Apr 93| 1,486,000 22,000 421,000 58 3409 6255
Jan 93| 1,313,000 21,000 54 3206 4998

[* estimated by pinging 1% of all hosts]


Number of 2nd-Level Domains under selected Top-Level Domains


Date | com org edu net gov
Oct 94| 16744 1711 1369 849 211
Jul 94| 12687 1388 1292 545 202

Host Distribution by Top-Level Domain Name
[see ftp.nw.com, zone/iso-country-codes to decode names]


  1. com 24861 us 4126 cl 457 lu 66 jm
    982181 edu 23986 es 3980 ie 442 ua 45 tn
    194350 uk 23704 at 3942 su 411 int 43 cy
    193741 gov 21024 za 3811 is 341 lv 27 li
    168995 de 20578 nz 3488 gr 329 in 24 ni
    153025 ca 14822 dk 2000 tr 324 kw 24 gb
    145831 mil 14612 kr 1832 th 321 ec 14 zw
    133886 au 14247 be 1287 ar 239 cn 14 ir
    82561 jp 11663 tw 1276 si 154 co 13 pa
    74229 nl 10503 hk 1241 my 153 uy 12 mo
    72943 fr 9861 il 1178 sk 152 ph 9 dz
    72363 org 8474 pl 1014 ee 142 bm 5 fj
    63576 se 7641 mx 745 cr 129 eg 4 aq
    57631 fi 7311 cz 734 ru 120 id 2 md
    53646 ch 7010 br 734 hr 114 pe 2 gn
    51453 net 6147 hu 693 cs 88 bg 1 sn
    43203 no 4873 pt 657 ve 86 lt 1 sa
    26980 it 4305 sg 490 ro 82 pr 1 kz



Tony Rutkowski
Executive Director
Internet Society
Reston VA USA

tel: +1 703 648 9888
fax: +1 703 648 9887 info.isoc.org