What's New in Goodie Domain Service ?

 Updated May 20

[1][GDLOGO] Goodie Domain News Service
[2]Zentraler Informatikdienst
[3]Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Goodie Domain News Service keeps you up-todate about
new entries, modifications as well as adjustments
in the Info Space of Goodie Domain Service.

See bottom for subscription info.

Tks for your interest.

Quote of the Week
3 Laws of the Internet
* Law 1: The Internet is GLOBAL
* Law 2: The Internet is FREE
* Law 3: The Internet is NOW

You must employ all of them to create a successfull venture.
-- M. Howard, InternetDay, May 18

What's New in GD Service ?

Legend: N: new entry, U: update, D: delete, I: For Your Info

* N - 990519: [4]Study Room: A Glossary of Computer Oriented
Abbreviations and Acronyms
* N - 990519: [5]Study Room: Internet- und
Telekommunikations-Glossar (Deutsch)
* N - 990519: [6]Study Room: Free Online Dictionary of Computing

* N - 990518: [7]Infosys, Browsers: Opera
* U - 990518: [8]Infosys, Servers: Samba 2.0.4 out

* N - 990517: [9]Opsys, Linux: Tinylinux
* U - 990517: [10]Opsys, Linux: Suse 6.1 out
* U - 990517: [11]Infosys, Browsers: Netscape's Communicator 4.6

How to get GDS Updates

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* Mailing List
To subscribe the GD Update Service, send an email to
l-gdsnews-subscribe@sts.tuwien.ac.at, to unsubscribe send an email
(subject and text body can remain empty).
* [39]ZID-News
* Usenet groups at.tuwien.software


see also Goodie Domain Service: < gd.tuwien.ac.at > PGP KP 88 A1 42 C6 D5 ED 2E 1F  A8 7E 20 AF 65 A7 63 1A