The study VoR phase is intended to help all prospective students to decide on a course of study and to prepare them for the start of their chosen course of study. Due to the time constraints, the implementation had to be carried out very quickly, the challenge was a considerable one. Despite these difficult conditions, a high-quality and timely implementation was achieved together with colleagues from the Centre for Strategic Teaching Development, the Teaching Support Centre and the faculties. A central platform was created for the study applicants, in which all forms of the VoR phase were represented: Aptitude tests, admission procedures and selection processes. The VoR phase could be worked through on the basis of a to-do list, at the end of which there was a code with which the admission to study could be carried out in the study department. The different requirements of the faculties regarding the VoR phase could be configured by the Centre for Strategic Teaching Development in a central administration area. Due to the chosen modular structure of the implementation, a sustainable architecture was created, with which future changes in the VoR phase can also be responded to efficiently.

The process of appointing new professorships is to be comprehensively digitally supported: From the sounding out of candidates and the call for applications, to the obtaining of expert opinions, to the support of the appointment committee, to the hearing and selection of candidates. In this way, a uniform, quality-assured process on the one hand, and compliance with existing data protection requirements on the other, will be guaranteed. Besides TISS, several IT systems of the TU Wien are involved, such as e-Recruiter and the personnel planning tool. The first phase of the digital appointment process project consists of the digital support of the online application (by e-Recruiter) and the administration of applicants in TISS. Currently, five tenders are being processed via the new system. Phase 2, which is currently under development, involves the involvement of external reviewers in the appointment process.
![[Translate to English:] Screenshot Ausschreibungen Professuren](/fileadmin/_processed_/9/c/csm_berufung_1e951ac30b.png)
With the eRecruiter, a professional software for the advertisement of new positions at the TU Wien has been available for some time. However, the process steps from the determination of requirements to the eRecruiter were previously implemented via forms, where in some cases the same data had to be entered several times and the process status was not always clear. At the end of 2019, the implementation in TISS and the personnel planning tool of the Department of Finance could be put into production, which digitally maps the process from the idea to the eRecruiter throughout. Starting in the personnel planning tool, the budgetary key data of the new position to be advertised are first defined and transferred to TISS at the push of a button. There, all data required for the job advertisement can now be entered in several steps. In order to maintain an overview at all times, it is also possible to generate a preview of how the job advertisement will ultimately look in the eRecruiter. The process then passes from the organisational unit issuing the invitation to tender through all the release points involved until the data is transferred directly to the eRecruiter via an interface. There the advertisement is then published as usual by the application management department.
![[Translate to English:] Screenshot Ausschreibung allgemeines Personal](/fileadmin/_processed_/5/6/csm_HR_9b873f150b.png)
In the context of the final TUWIS replacement in 2017, the process for taking over lecturers and (at that time) tutors in TISS was implemented. Due to time constraints, it was decided at that time that the process itself would not be revised. This meant that the transfer of lecturers and tutors from TISS to SAP was still done by importing .csv files. The goal for the next project phase was the implementation of a direct import via interfaces, accompanied by an extensive data reconciliation to solve data conflicts directly or to prevent them from arising in the first place.
The registration of lecturers and student assistants in teaching at the TU Wien is done decentrally by the institutes. The quality assurance of the entered data is carried out centrally by the Department of Lecturers and Time Management. TISS offers optimal support for this through a clear dashboard with all persons to be transferred and a deep integration between TISS and SAP. This allows an early reaction to possible problems when transferring data to SAP. For example, every single transfer to SAP can be checked in a test run. On the SAP side, the personal data is automatically imported into the relevant SAP modules and infotypes. The implementation of digital support for this complex business process is the result of many years of continuous development and has now been successfully completed.
![[Translate to English:] Screenshot Lehrenden Kontrollliste](/fileadmin/_processed_/a/5/csm_suelt_b6e5a13e11.png)
Within the framework of the PDB Plus project, numerous points in the TISS project database are being completely renewed. The previous solution has to be redesigned due to the numerous new requirements. The following points were processed in 2019:
Project application creation - the governance of the TU Wien stipulates that every project application must be entered in the TISS project database. To make this as easy as possible, we have reduced the master data required for this to a minimum.
Question catalogue - in addition to the master data of the application, additional information is requested via a question catalogue, such as possible conflicts of interest or ethical questions regarding research data.
Submit application approval and submit calculation
Check request by user with release authorization
Input and administration of the financial and funding sources
In order to be able to reflect these extensive changes correctly, workshops with stakeholders from the specialist areas of VR research, AGVs, EIFS, IO, project controlling, controlling, personnel administration, subsidy consultancy and business cooperation as well as power users from institutes took place continuously over the past year. Clarifying and defining technical dependencies (and also terms) in the process chain was the biggest challenge. Understanding" why information is needed is certainly the greatest benefit of these workshops. In a participatory process, it was jointly determined whether a function is still necessary in the future, what information is needed at what point in time and what priorities should be set during implementation. As soon as a part was further developed, it could be tested. The feedback was incorporated for the next iteration.
Currently the implementation work is being finalized. We hope that we can make the new developments available for everyone soon!
![[Translate to English:] Ablauf TISS Projektdatenbank](/fileadmin/_processed_/c/1/csm_pdb_b27d9ebb85.png)
The central e-payment service of the TU Wien is being used more and more. With the computer laboratory of the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning, another web shop was connected to the e-payment service TUpay. Up to now, credits for the printing and plotting service could only be topped up via cash machines. Now, customers can increase their credit balance via e-payment and cash transactions are no longer necessary.
In addition to the expansion of the connected webshops, the main focus was on automation. Together with the Department of Finance, a process was developed to automatically post the online transactions and the associated incoming payments and charges in SAP. This high degree of automation enables an efficient administration of online payments and represents a real innovation in the e-payment area.

The closing year of the 2010s was characterized by exciting and challenging tasks. Here is a selection of our highlights of the year 2019
As usual, you will find an overview of all projects currently being worked on under "Current focus"!