The finale of the 10s had it all. The pandemic also had the CSD team firmly in its grip, be it through the switch to a purely digital mode of operation, but also through the abundance of extremely time-critical tasks. Thanks to the high personal commitment of our CSD colleagues, we were able to ensure the reliable service of our helpdesk, the stable operation of all CSD applications, and the high-quality further development of the software systems. As in previous years, we would like to present a selection of our new developments of this remarkable year.
Our new developments
Goal: Enable distance learning in lockdown.

The conversion of teaching at the TU Wien to Distance Learning was characterized by high time pressure and a high degree of teamwork between many different stakeholders. On the CSD side, a complete reorganization of room reservations and course schedules had to be implemented. In addition, support for online and streaming appointments was implemented in TISS Teaching. This also included the LectureTube integration into the teaching room search and booking.
In order to digitally support access management at the TU Wien during lockdown phases, cohort regulations for TU staff and a pass solution for students were made available. A new release workflow for office and lecture hall access was implemented for recording distance learning content.
This challenge could only be mastered through high personal commitment of the CSD staff and especially through the great cooperation with the Center for Strategic Teaching Development and the Department of Teaching and Learning Technologies. Thanks again to all colleagues involved!
Goal: Digital solution with automation-supported evaluation

For the implementation of a digital contact person management at the TU Wien, a browser-based system for recording building access via QR codes was developed. By scanning the QR codes at the building entrance, an access is recorded and processed for the TU's internal contact person management in case of a COVID-19 infection. The area-wide installation of the QR codes was carried out by our project partner GUT. In addition to the time and technical challenges, the main focus of this project was on data protection. In addition to implementing the provisions of the company agreement regarding "access management during Covid-19", a security review and consultation was also commissioned from SBA research.
While no restrictions on access were implemented for employees via the system, access reasons for scanning QR codes were checked for students. For this purpose, the data from TISS Lehre was used on the one hand and an access portal with the possibility of adding accesses for students was created on the other hand. In addition, a possibility of using QR codes in lecture halls with entering the seat number was created.
For the case of COVID-19 infection, an automation-supported system for informing (possible) contact persons was created. This system may only be used by an extremely small group of people, and the underlying access data is automatically deleted after 14 days.
Goal: Creation of a new, modern open access portal

Der erste Meilenstein für das Projekt der Einführung einer neuen Software zur Erfassung und Präsentation von Publikationsleistungen der TU Wien wurde 2020 erreicht: Das bestehende Open-Access Portal reposiTUm wurde in das etablierte Open-Source System dSpace überführt. Dafür wurden zunächst die Daten aus dem Altsystem in die neue Software migriert. Für die Erfassung von neuen Publikationen wurden die relevanten Publikationstypen im Datenmodell abgebildet und ein Submission Workflow entworfen und implementiert. Darüber hinaus wurden die Inhalte des TU Wien Academic Press Verlags und Digitalisate inkludiert. Es werden grundlegende bibliometrische Indikatoren (Seitenaufrufe, Downloads) für die einzelnen Publikationen zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Frontend des neuen reposiTUms wurde weitgehend in das neue TU Website-Design integriert.
Goals: Information security, audit security, transparency

A first version of the project to introduce digital document management for the GUT department was completed in 2020. This includes a central document repository via a self-developed user interface for uploading documents and capturing metadata. A roles and rights system was developed for accessing the documents. A full text search and filter option for all metadata categories allows easy access to the stored data.
Goal: Central application for the maintenance of spatial data of the TU Wien.

In 2020, the new spatial database could be released. The goal is to create a central contact point for all spatial data of the TU Wien. For this purpose, several data sources from different GUT departments are combined into one system. The system is a complete in-house development based on Java and Angular. Spatial information can be searched for in a targeted manner and found quickly using comprehensive search and filter options. The integration of the data into the CSD system landscape enables the cross-system provision of uniform data, which is initially used for all TISS modules and in a next step will also be made available via interfaces for access by TU third party systems.
Objectives: Reduction of waiting time for applicants, better planning for the study department.

In order to relieve the study department and to minimize the number of waiting applicants, also with regard to contact reduction, a waiting number system was developed. After successful completion of the study VoR phase, applicants can register for a time slot and receive a waiting number. Within this time window, admission to a study program can be carried out in the study department. Via a monitor in the area of the study department, the applicants are called for admission on site.
Goal: Reduction of physical presence, administrative simplification

Students who went through the computer science admission procedure were also able to admit themselves online in 2020. For this purpose, two additional modules were implemented for the admission procedure. In the module "Study wishes", applicants can specify which studies they would like to take. In the module "Admission documents", the upload of the necessary documents for admission is made possible. In an administration interface for the colleagues of the study department, the information and documents can be checked and the admission can be carried out.
Goals: Centralized overview of and predictability of project proposals, empowerment research support, transparency conflict of interest.

Until now, projects were usually recorded in the project database (PDB) just before, during or after the conclusion of a contract. However, in order to comply with the guidelines of the TU Wien, all projects, scholarships as well as educational and university management projects, regardless of their volume, must be entered in the project database with their basic data BEFORE applying to a funding body or before signing a contract with the funding body in order to obtain confirmation from the institute management of the personnel, infrastructure and space resources required for the project implementation.
Accordingly, the workflow of the project database has now been adapted: the project proposal can be entered before the application is submitted to the funder and a release can be obtained by the institute management for submission. This is to ensure that the necessary information and resources are available at the institute.
In addition, in the future, a questionnaire will be used to collect information that is necessary during preparation, administration, and project execution in order to inform responsible support units and arrange for support, for example, with data protection, ethics aspects, data management plans, and so on.
Any conflict of interest is now also mapped directly in the PDB - filling out and sending paper forms is no longer necessary.
As part of the revision, the financial terms related to research projects have also been sharpened. The information that is now requested regarding the financing of projects has been restructured and is intended to represent the entire project financing (including own funds and, if applicable, partner financing).
For better orientation, the presentation of project progress has been made clearer and simpler.
Goal: Quality assurance teaching

As a next step to improve the courses at TU Wien, a possibility to evaluate exams has been implemented in TISS. Using a 2-level questionnaire with a 5-level scale, students can provide feedback on their exam experience. The 1st level of evaluation comprises a short questionnaire with 6 questions, followed by an optional detailed questionnaire with the possibility to comment on each item.
Goal: Create physical learning spaces for students.

Um eine größere Zahl an Lernräumen für die Studierenden an der TU Wien zu ermöglichen, wurde im Auftrag von VR Matyas ein System entwickelt, dass Lehrräume automatisiert für die Nutzung als Lernräume reserviert. Dafür wird der Belegungsplan für den übernächsten Tag analysiert. Bei einer terminlichen Lücke von mindestens 2h wird automatisch ein öffentlich einsehbarer Lernraum-Termin gebucht. Die so generierten Lernräume werden den Studierenden in einer eigenen, für Mobilgeräte optimierten Ansicht präsentiert. Obwohl die Implementierung bereits Anfang 2020 abgeschlossen wurde, konnte diese aufgrund der notwendigen Umstellung auf Distance Learning leider noch nicht aktiv eingesetzt werden.
Last but not least, the year 2020 brought a small but nice innovation for all TISS users. URLs with TU Wien reference ("", "") can be converted into a short URL in TISS. The service can be accessed at