Overview Operation
Upgrade to Rails 5 (postponed)
Upgrade Application Server TISS Research (Wildfly) and TISS Teaching (Java-EE 7)
Fast Lane
Voter lists + information for Senate election 2019
chemicals management
Barrier-free paths
Organigram csv export for science spots
Department of Student Affairs: change in case of retrospective notification, new decree for doctoral students
Minor changes in Training and Event Management
Further development of the project database
Extension of the functionalities of the project database. Implementation of the requirements from the topic memory of the VR research test group.
Progress: Requirements and improvements in the workflow or user interface due to
Prioritization topics from the specialist areas; requirements analysis data import.
Publication database new
Implementation and conception of a new publication database in TISS. Integration of open-source software into the IT systems of the TU Wien.
Progress: Project organization (definition of project goals, project scope, appointment of core team), definition of publication types and associated metadata, start of implementation: migration, submission process, start of creation of authorization concept, preliminary work and start of single sign-on, interface analysis.
research portfolio
In 2015, the TISS research portfolio was implemented as a successor to and extension of the TISS performance database. The implementation had to be carried out quickly for various reasons, which in many places meant a reduction in the planned functionalities. In the productive system there are still errors and unfinished elements to be corrected (facelift) in many places.
Progress: Completed.
FPF 2.0
Extensions and new requirements regarding the research portfolio require new
Definition of work packages. New work packages are put together and the existing and missing requirements are identified. Open requirements were taken from Task 05/16 Research Portfolio (FPF). These will be re-evaluated and divided into new work packages.
Research infrastructure database
The original implementation of the integrated software for the research infrastructure database of the BMWFW was adapted to new requirements. An internal solution is aimed at. Based on cost estimation, start with implementation planned in phases.
Progress: Cost estimate and proposal for implementation in phase submitted to VR Research.
Redesign of LVA description
Adaptation of the descriptive attributes of courses to new specifications. The existing attributes are replaced and supplemented by new ones. A smooth transition as well as the correct presentation of LVA before and after the changeover must be ensured.
Progress: Completed (adaptation of the affected views to the new specifications). Display of historical BOSs according to the old schema)
LVA evaluation 2.0
Support of the revised evaluation process -- e.g. redesign of the evaluation sheet, individual evaluation periods for LVA, spontaneous evaluations of individual lectures.
Progress: Completion of the calculation of evaluation time windows, adjustments to the evaluation administration, adjustment of the display of assessable LVA in the favourites, improvements to the questionnaire (usability, translations).
Admission procedures and aptitude tests
Illustration of the admission/selection procedures and suitability test for studies in TISS.
Progress: Registration and authentication for GasTUser, creation of the system base, illustration different procedures, implementation of the registration for information technology (registration of personal data, payment, letter of motivation), interface for support user, concept Connection TUWEL/Moodle and Online-Self-Assessment
A central administration of internal documents is introduced in the GUT department. Document filing is standardised, which ensures more efficient filing and search. The product used is Alfresco.
Progress: New requirements regarding document filing and extensive hierarchical Metadata catalog, workshop with Alfresco consultants to implement requirements in the best possible way to conception of a new filing concept
Workflow Engine - Tender Workflow
An electronic tender workflow in TISS is intended to support the search and replacement of personnel and thereby avoid the current large number of forms with overlapping content.
Progress: Establishing communication to PPT, workflow and forms for scientific personnel, adaptation to Alfresco Process Services, expansion of project scope to include career positions and project assistants.
Workflow Engine - Organization NEW
Support of requests for structural changes and granting of powers of attorney through workflows in TISS.
Progress: prototype completion, adaptation to Alfresco Process Services.
New mailings
Revision of the system for mass mailings. Recipient lists should be created automatically - less manual work.
Progress: Improvements to filters to prevent unintentional sending to all, Improved Display of filters
Sensible location of the responsibilities of the TU Card and introduction of the card type "External" for WMA. Optimisation of the production and issuing process. Step 1 - Locating the student cards in STAB. Step 2 - Locating MA cards in GUT security boxes. Step 3 - Conversion of the guest cards, cards for further employees and library cards.
Progress: Work on TUcard Guest (coordination of workflow, redesign of card ordering process, optimization of card status and overview of all card types) new card type access which is intended as key card for fire brigade etc.) Specification of requirements for library card.
Appointment process - online application
Mapping and support of appointment procedures in TISS.
Progress: Pilot project with PhD-School, comparison of applications from eRecruiter to TISS, extension of administration views, connection of the interface to job creation in eRecruite.
plagiarism software
The plagiarism check is to be integrated into the workflow of the final papers.
Progress: Conclusion of software contract (Turnitin) still open, requirements assessment and Process definition.
Refactoring LVA Administration
Revision of the code in the administration of the LVA in order to improve performance and maintainability.
increase. Bug fixes and new features are currently unnecessarily difficult to implement.
Progress: Conversion to TISS-ID
Online payment integration
Implementation of a central e-payment service at the TU Wien. (EPS, credit cards, Maestro) with the payment service provider SIX. First merchants are planned for payment of student fees, TUcard replacement fees, TU software, admission fees and conferences.
Progress: Integration of student software (TU.it) into our payment system, start of admission fees (admission procedure computer science, architecture and spatial planning (merchant system at SIX), start of integration of the MRX file (creation of an SAP import file based on actual bookings).
Direct recording Lecturers Tutors
TUWIS was replaced in 2017 and the transfer of the lecturers and tutors from TISS to SAP takes place (laboriously) via .csv files. Goal: Direct import of TISS into SAP, simultaneous data synchronisation to be able to solve data conflicts directly.
Progress: Implementation and productive implementation of the TISS / SAP interface for measures, testing and acceptance by the department, refactoring of the LKL, adaptation of the lists to the requirements of the department, addition of documentation. Changes to the legal framework conditions lead to delays in implementation due to a lack of external SAP resources.
TUdo in on-boarding
On-Boarding is currently a pool of requirements for a uniform admission process of new employees (GUT, personnel administration, ...). Internal administration should also be made easier for existing employees (instructions, PSA, keys, ...). An administration page is planned at OE level (Dept., Inst., FAB, FOB, ...) with mechanisms such as auto-understanding (new MA needs PSA).
Progress: First concepts and implementation in the form of TUdo's; creation of TUdo lists with various triggers (e.g.: new employee is created); fundamental considerations on the new service; finalisation/go live of the welcome e-mail to new employees.
Overview operation
Upgrade to Rails 5 (postponed)
Upgrade Application Server TISS Research (Wildfly) and TISS Teaching (Java-EE)
Fast Lane
- Voter Lists + Information for Senate Election 2019
- chemicals management
- Barrier-free ways
- Organizational chart csv export for "science spots"
- Department of Studies: Change in retroactive notification, new decree doctoral candidates
- Minor changes event management
Development of the project database
Extension of the functionalities of the project database. Implementation of the requirements from the topic memory of the VR Research Research Group.
Progress: requirements and improvements in the workflow or user interface due to prioritization topics from the departments; Requirements Analysis Data Import.
Publication database New
Implementation and conception of a new publication database in TISS. Integration of open-source software in the IT systems of the TU Wien.
Progress: project organization (definition of project goals, scope of projects, appointment of core team), definition of publication types and associated metadata, start with implementation: migration, submission process, beginning of creation of authorization concept, preparation and start of single sign-on, interface analysis
Research portfolio
In 2015, the TISS research portfolio was implemented as a successor and extension of the TISS performance database. The implementation had to be carried out quickly for various reasons, which in many places meant a reduction in the planned functionalities. In the productive system there are many mistakes or unfinished elements that have to be cleaned up (facelift).
Progress: Completed.
FPF 2.0 (Research Portfolio 2.0)
In 2015, the TISS research portfolio was implemented as a successor and extension of the TISS performance database. For various reasons, the implementation had to be carried out quickly, which in many cases meant a reduction in the planned functionalities. Extensions and new requirements regarding research portfolios require new Definition of work packages.
Progress: New work packages are put together and the existing as well as missing requirements are raised. Open requirements have been taken from Task 05/16 Research Portfolio (FPF). These are reassessed and divided into new work packages.
SEO Search Engine Optimization - Research
The contents of the research projects are to be technically prepared in such a way that they can be indexed more easily by the search engines and can thus also be found via search engines. This results in a better visibility of the research projects of the TU Wien.
Progress: Automatically generated information files (robots.txt, sitemap.xml) for search engines. Readable URL without special characters (example.com/?id=235 becomes example.com/project/Ionendiffusor). Information files were generated statically and are in use. Automatic generation of information files and URLs.
LVA Rating 2.0
Support of the revised evaluation process -- e.g. redesign of the evaluation sheet, individual evaluation periods for LVA, spontaneous evaluations of individual lectures.
Progress: Input/publication of the statements of lecturers; overview lists for deans of studies and lecturers, making old evaluation results available.
Admission procedures and aptitude tests
Illustration of the admission/selection procedures and suitability test for studies in TISS.
Progress: Follow-up of the sequential test, follow-up registrations, online pre-registration for CEC, export of letters of motivation and portfolios for TUWEL, integration of UHStat-1.
GUT DMS - Rental contracts
The sub-project "Lease contracts" (pilot project) was separated from the large project GUT DMS. Leases are managed centrally with the Alfresco system. Implementation follows an agile approach.
Progress: The basic functions for the storage of rental agreements have been implemented and are in an initial internal test phase (local server, as TU.it has not yet provided a productive instance).
Workflow Engine - Tender Workflow
An electronic tender workflow in TISS is intended to support the search and replacement of personnel and thereby avoid the current large number of forms with overlapping content.
Progress: Adaptation of the workflow for general personnel, connection of the personnel plan tool, adaptation to Alfresco Process Services.
TU Data Interfaces - Master Data Synchronization SAP
As part of the new project organization, the master data adjustment was newly implemented. The difference adjustment is still to be implemented and some enhancements are still desired from the individual projects, which can be implemented here collectively.
Progress: Solution for the implementation of difference matching was found (logging in SAP as basis for changes). Changes to master data of inactive teaching staff must also be transferred to TISS. Implementation of the requirement: Teaching cost share to be automatically booked on own LED internal orders.
Workflow Engine - Organization NEW
Support of requests for structural changes and granting of powers of attorney through workflows in TISS.
Progress: Adaptation work on Alfresco Process Services
New mailings
Revision of the system for mass mailings. Recipient lists should be created automatically - less manual work.
Progress: Insight into historical releases.
Sensible location of the responsibilities of the TU Card and introduction of the card type "External" for WMA. Optimisation of the production and issuing process. in several steps.
Progress: Work on TUcard Guest (coordination of workflow, redesign of card ordering process, optimization of card status and overview of all card types) new card type access which is intended as key card for fire brigade etc.) specification of requirements library card
Appointment process - Online application
Mapping and support of appointment procedures in TISS.
Progress: Completion of the creation of calls for tenders in TISS and transfer to eRecruiter, presentation of the system, training and entry of calls for tenders to/with deaneries, upload of tender-specific documents for commissions.
plagiarism software
The plagiarism check is to be integrated into the workflow of the final papers.
Progress: Conclusion of software contract (Turnitin) still open, requirements assessment and Process definition.
Refactoring LVA Administration
Revision of the code in the administration of the LVA in order to improve performance and maintainability.
increase. Bug fixes and new features are currently unnecessarily difficult to implement.
Progress: On-hold
Online payment integration
Implementation of a central e-payment service at the TU Wien. (EPS, credit cards, Maestro) with the payment service provider SIX. First merchants are planned for payment of student fees, TUcard replacement fees, TU software, admission fees and conferences.
Progress: Integration of the booking files from SIX (MRX) and Raiffeisen (CAMT 53) for the automated creation of SAP import files, on the basis of which a monthly account reconciliation is possible.
Overview operation
Upgrade to Rails 5 (postponed)
Upgrade Application Server TISS Research (Wildfly) and TISS Teaching (Java-EE)
Fast Lane
- Voter Lists + Information for Senate Election 2019
- chemicals management
- Barrier-free ways
- Organizational chart csv export for "science spots"
- Department of Studies: Change in retroactive notification, new decree doctoral candidates
- Minor changes event management
Development of the project database
Extension of the functionalities of the project database. Implementation of the requirements from the topic memory of the VR Research Research Group.
Progress: requirements and improvements in the workflow or user interface due to prioritization topics from the departments; Requirements Analysis Data Import.
Publication database New
Implementation and conception of a new publication database in TISS. Integration of open-source software in the IT systems of the TU Wien.
Progress: project organization (definition of project goals, scope of projects, appointment of core team), definition of publication types and associated metadata, start with implementation: migration, submission process, beginning of creation of authorization concept, preparation and start of single sign-on, interface analysis
Research portfolio
In 2015, the TISS research portfolio was implemented as a successor and extension of the TISS performance database. The implementation had to be carried out quickly for various reasons, which in many places meant a reduction in the planned functionalities. In the productive system there are many mistakes or unfinished elements that have to be cleaned up (facelift).
Progress: Completed.
FPF 2.0 (Research Portfolio 2.0)
In 2015, the TISS research portfolio was implemented as a successor and extension of the TISS performance database. For various reasons, the implementation had to be carried out quickly, which in many cases meant a reduction in the planned functionalities. Extensions and new requirements regarding research portfolios require new Definition of work packages.
New work packages are put together and the existing as well as missing requirements are raised. Open requirements have been taken from Task 05/16 Research Portfolio (FPF). These are reassessed and divided into new work packages.
research infrastructure database
The original implementation of the integrated software for the research infrastructure database of the BMWFW was adapted to new requirements. An internal solution is aimed at. Based on cost estimates, the start of the implementation is planned in phases.
Progress: Cost estimation and proposal for implementation in phase submitted to VR Research.
Redesign of the LVA description
Adaptation of the descriptive attributes of courses to new specifications. The existing attributes are replaced and supplemented with new ones. A smooth transition as well as the correct representation of LVA before and after the changeover must be ensured.
Progress: Completed (adaptation of the affected views to the new specifications). Display of historical BOSs according to the old schema)
LVA evaluation 2.0
Support of the revised evaluation process -- e.g. redesign of the evaluation sheet, individual evaluation periods for LVA, spontaneous evaluations of individual lectures.
Progress: Completion of the calculation of evaluation time windows, adjustments to the evaluation administration, adjustment of the display of assessable LVA in the favourites, improvements to the questionnaire (usability, translations).
Admission procedures and aptitude tests
Illustration of the admission/selection procedures and suitability test for studies in TISS.
Progress: Registration and authentication for GasTUser, creation of the system basis, mapping of different procedures, implementation of the registration for computer science (collection of personal data, payment, letter of motivation), interface for support users, conception.
Connection TUWEL/Moodle and Online-Self-Assessment
GUT Document Management System
A central administration of internal documents is introduced in the GUT (Real Estate and facility management department. Document filing is standardised, which ensures more efficient filing and search. The product used is Alfresco.
Progress: New requirements regarding document filing and extensive hierarchical metadata catalogue, workshop with Alfresco consultants to implement requirements in the best possible way, conception of new filing concept.
Workflow Engine - Tender Workflow
An electronic tender workflow in TISS is intended to support the search and replacement of personnel and thereby avoid the current large number of forms with overlapping content.
Progress: Establishing communication to PPT, workflow and forms for scientific personnel, adaptation to Alfresco Process Services, expansion of project scope to include career positions and project assistants.
Workflow Engine - Organization NEW
Support of requests for structural changes and granting of powers of attorney through workflows in TISS.
Progress: prototype completion, adaptation to Alfresco Process Services.
New mailings
Revision of the system for mass mailings. Recipient lists should be created automatically - less manual work.
Progress: Improvements to filters to prevent unintentional sending to all, Improved
Display of filters
Sensible location of the responsibilities of the TU Card and introduction of the card type "External" for WMA. Optimisation of the production and issuing process. in several steps.
Progress: Work on TUcard Guest (coordination of workflow, redesign of card ordering process, optimization of card status and overview of all card types) new card type access which is intended as key card for fire brigade etc.) Specification of requirements for library card.
Appointment process - online application
Mapping and support of appointment procedures in TISS.
Progress: Pilot project with PhD-School, comparison of applications from eRecruiter to TISS, extension of administration views, connection of the interface to job creation in eRecruite.
plagiarism software
The plagiarism check is to be integrated into the workflow of the final papers.
Progress: Conclusion of software contract (Turnitin) still open, requirements assessment and
Process definition.
Refactoring LVA Administration
Revision of the code in the administration of the LVA in order to improve performance and maintainability.
increase. Bug fixes and new features are currently unnecessarily difficult to implement.
Progress: Conversion to TISS-ID
Online payment integration
Implementation of a central e-payment service at the TU Wien. (EPS, credit cards, Maestro) with the payment service provider SIX. First merchants are planned for payment of student fees, TUcard replacement fees, TU software, admission fees and conferences.
Progress: Integration of student software (TU.it) into our payment system, start of admission fees (admission procedure computer science, architecture and spatial planning (merchant system at SIX), start of integration of the MRX file (creation of an SAP import file based on actual bookings).
Direct recording Lecturers Tutors
TUWIS was replaced in 2017 and the transfer of the lecturers and tutors from TISS to SAP takes place (laboriously) via .csv files. Goal: Direct import of TISS into SAP, simultaneous data synchronisation to be able to solve data conflicts directly.
Implementation and productive implementation of the action interface TISS / SAP, test and acceptance by department, refactoring LKL, adaptation of lists to requirements of department, supplement documentation. Changes to the legal framework conditions lead to delays in implementation due to a lack of external SAP resources.
TUdo in on-boarding
On-Boarding is currently a pool of requirements for a uniform admission process of new employees (GUT, personnel administration, ...). Internal administration should also be made easier for existing employees (instructions, PSA, keys, ...). An administration page is planned at OE level (Dept., Inst., FAB, FOB, ...) with mechanisms such as auto-understanding (new MA needs PSA).
Initial concepts and implementation in the form of TUdo's; creation of TUdo lists with various triggers (e.g. new employees are created); fundamental considerations about the new service; finalisation/go live of the welcome e-mail to new employees.
Overview Operation
Upgrade to Rails 5 (postponed)
Upgrade Application Server TISS Research (Wildfly) and TISS Teaching (Java-EE 7)
Fast Lane
Voter lists + information for Senate election 2019
chemicals management
Barrier-free paths
Organigram csv export for science spots
Department of Student Affairs: change in case of retrospective notification, new decree for doctoral students
Minor changes in Training and Event Management
Further development of the project database
Extension of the functionalities of the project database. Implementation of the requirements from the topic memory of the VR research test group.
Progress: Requirements and improvements in the workflow or user interface due to
Prioritization topics from the specialist areas; requirements analysis data import.
Publication database new
Implementation and conception of a new publication database in TISS. Integration of open-source software into the IT systems of the TU Wien.
Progress: Project organization (definition of project goals, project scope, appointment of core team), definition of publication types and associated metadata, start of implementation: migration, submission process, start of creation of authorization concept, preliminary work and start of single sign-on, interface analysis.
research portfolio
In 2015, the TISS research portfolio was implemented as a successor to and extension of the TISS performance database. The implementation had to be carried out quickly for various reasons, which in many places meant a reduction in the planned functionalities. In the productive system there are still errors and unfinished elements to be corrected (facelift) in many places.
Progress: Completed.
FPF 2.0
Extensions and new requirements regarding the research portfolio require new
Definition of work packages. New work packages are put together and the existing and missing requirements are identified. Open requirements were taken from Task 05/16 Research Portfolio (FPF). These will be re-evaluated and divided into new work packages.
Research infrastructure database
The original implementation of the integrated software for the research infrastructure database of the BMWFW was adapted to new requirements. An internal solution is aimed at. Based on cost estimation, start with implementation planned in phases.
Progress: Cost estimate and proposal for implementation in phase submitted to VR Research.
Redesign of LVA description
Adaptation of the descriptive attributes of courses to new specifications. The existing attributes are replaced and supplemented by new ones. A smooth transition as well as the correct presentation of LVA before and after the changeover must be ensured.
Progress: Completed (adaptation of the affected views to the new specifications). Display of historical BOSs according to the old schema)
LVA evaluation 2.0
Support of the revised evaluation process -- e.g. redesign of the evaluation sheet, individual evaluation periods for LVA, spontaneous evaluations of individual lectures.
Progress: Completion of the calculation of evaluation time windows, adjustments to the evaluation administration, adjustment of the display of assessable LVA in the favourites, improvements to the questionnaire (usability, translations).
Admission procedures and aptitude tests
Illustration of the admission/selection procedures and suitability test for studies in TISS.
Progress: Registration and authentication for GasTUser, creation of the system base, illustration different procedures, implementation of the registration for information technology (registration of personal data, payment, letter of motivation), interface for support user, concept Connection TUWEL/Moodle and Online-Self-Assessment
A central administration of internal documents is introduced in the GUT department. Document filing is standardised, which ensures more efficient filing and search. The product used is Alfresco.
Progress: New requirements regarding document filing and extensive hierarchical Metadata catalog, workshop with Alfresco consultants to implement requirements in the best possible way to conception of a new filing concept
Workflow Engine - Tender Workflow
An electronic tender workflow in TISS is intended to support the search and replacement of personnel and thereby avoid the current large number of forms with overlapping content.
Progress: Establishing communication to PPT, workflow and forms for scientific personnel, adaptation to Alfresco Process Services, expansion of project scope to include career positions and project assistants.
Workflow Engine - Organization NEW
Support of requests for structural changes and granting of powers of attorney through workflows in TISS.
Progress: prototype completion, adaptation to Alfresco Process Services.
New mailings
Revision of the system for mass mailings. Recipient lists should be created automatically - less manual work.
Progress: Improvements to filters to prevent unintentional sending to all, Improved Display of filters
Sensible location of the responsibilities of the TU Card and introduction of the card type "External" for WMA. Optimisation of the production and issuing process. Step 1 - Locating the student cards in STAB. Step 2 - Locating MA cards in GUT security boxes. Step 3 - Conversion of the guest cards, cards for further employees and library cards.
Progress: Work on TUcard Guest (coordination of workflow, redesign of card ordering process, optimization of card status and overview of all card types) new card type access which is intended as key card for fire brigade etc.) Specification of requirements for library card.
Appointment process - online application
Mapping and support of appointment procedures in TISS.
Progress: Pilot project with PhD-School, comparison of applications from eRecruiter to TISS, extension of administration views, connection of the interface to job creation in eRecruite.
plagiarism software
The plagiarism check is to be integrated into the workflow of the final papers.
Progress: Conclusion of software contract (Turnitin) still open, requirements assessment and Process definition.
Refactoring LVA Administration
Revision of the code in the administration of the LVA in order to improve performance and maintainability.
increase. Bug fixes and new features are currently unnecessarily difficult to implement.
Progress: Conversion to TISS-ID
Online payment integration
Implementation of a central e-payment service at the TU Wien. (EPS, credit cards, Maestro) with the payment service provider SIX. First merchants are planned for payment of student fees, TUcard replacement fees, TU software, admission fees and conferences.
Progress: Integration of student software (TU.it) into our payment system, start of admission fees (admission procedure computer science, architecture and spatial planning (merchant system at SIX), start of integration of the MRX file (creation of an SAP import file based on actual bookings).
Direct recording Lecturers Tutors
TUWIS was replaced in 2017 and the transfer of the lecturers and tutors from TISS to SAP takes place (laboriously) via .csv files. Goal: Direct import of TISS into SAP, simultaneous data synchronisation to be able to solve data conflicts directly.
Progress: Implementation and productive implementation of the TISS / SAP interface for measures, testing and acceptance by the department, refactoring of the LKL, adaptation of the lists to the requirements of the department, addition of documentation. Changes to the legal framework conditions lead to delays in implementation due to a lack of external SAP resources.
TUdo in on-boarding
On-Boarding is currently a pool of requirements for a uniform admission process of new employees (GUT, personnel administration, ...). Internal administration should also be made easier for existing employees (instructions, PSA, keys, ...). An administration page is planned at OE level (Dept., Inst., FAB, FOB, ...) with mechanisms such as auto-understanding (new MA needs PSA).
Progress: First concepts and implementation in the form of TUdo's; creation of TUdo lists with various triggers (e.g.: new employee is created); fundamental considerations on the new service; finalisation/go live of the welcome e-mail to new employees.