In the first quarter of 2021, the following tasks were processed.
Overview Operation
EWP test system connection
Preparation of first OpenShift Prod Services
Official signature
Research API Gateway
Fast Lane
Distance Learning - processing dates February
Contact person management - TISS Scanner
Delete LVA-News immediately on user request
E-Payment: Change registration from user/password to token at Six
TISS Tasks - Progress in Q1/2021
Web services data network
Adjustment of determination of substitute identifiers, coordination with BRZ regarding test strategy
Admission procedures and eligibility checks
Extension of the support view to include copies of ID cards
Online admission
Definition of the process, ongoing implementation for the following views: Application overview for study department and deaneries, detailed view for deaneries, administration of standard texts for supplementary examinations, access authorisations for deans of studies and deanery staff members.
Learning spaces
Test and adapt display (campus vs. locations). Insert links of the rooms to TUmaps. Prepare texts for release version 1.0.
Introduction of official signature
Acceptance of the signature website by the study department and release, upload to Alfresco and official signature of all generated documents from the student self-service, study department and CEC, refactoring of the internal administration of documents, research on long-term validation and validity of signatures.
Revision of metadata, API for daily comparison of PSP items, improvements in usability, user manual, user training by department, bug fixing
TOKU - Case management (FAW/ Boku) - basic framework
Test with real data by FAW and Boku, optimisation of code base, transfer of results to TU system, integration of automated tests for adaptations (CIPipeline) authentication, loading and displaying of cases from the backend, specification of requirements for FTS
Internal events / TU events
Code transfer of the PE department into the general framework TU-Events started. First event held together with "Energy and Environment". Revise roles and rights system for flexibility.
TISS redesign
Design implemented in jTISS and rTISS. First complete test environment in the new design. Enhancements for test instances implemented (different colours, dev info in footer, etc.).
AHESN next
Quality assurance of sending interface for info and LVA resource. Implementation of sending interface for individual performance and recognition resource.
Locking system new
In consultation with PKE, identify, reprogram and replace individual interfaces.
Appeal process
No processing in QI/21
Automated SAP invoices
Finance clarifies with SAP department possible overlaps with other projects.
Conference with payment system
Integrate ConfTool into productive system.
Workflow Engine - tender workflow
Completion and release of workflow and UI for academic staff and apprentices, automatic transfer of advertised jobs into application management (prof. and LB positions), adaptation of process for FB application management, improvement of usability of the application and task overview.
Plagiarism software
Contact regarding connection ZeSL/turnitin
Optimised data transfer TISS <-> TUWEL
TISS - TUWEL course connection new, preparation API for TUWEL OID - TISS ID migration
Automated LectureTube data synchronisation
Activation of Lecture Tube via button from course admin (this supports the introduction of LectureTube Studio)
Online Learning Agreements (Erasmus without Papers)
Start of development of new mobility services, implementation of Basic API of EWP network and Online Learning Agreement APIs as well as corresponding user interface (outgoing export into EWP, create OLA for student, student fills in OLA, Sending HEI signs OLA, student signs OLA, guest university gets CNR, guest UNI can create comments)
Billing Tool Research Centres
Faculty was on site. Requirements collected from faculty.
PDB Plus - further development
Requirements are transferred to new tasks. The implementation of the application phase and processing of projects has been completed. Expiring tickets have been processed. The focal points of further development are described in new tasks.
Publications (replacement of reposiTUm and publication database)
Submit for report implemented, support for import of metadata of publications, start of definition of metadata for remaining publication types, further development of reposiTUm (statistics and preview), layout adjustments of dSpace to TU Wien specifications (and TISS redesign), preliminary work on migration, adoption of further developments in dSpace from last year, validation process defined.
Data Management Plan (Dmap)
Completion and acceptance of prototype ("demo release"). Further developments to complete version 1 (forms, separation general versions / TU version, additional funding body information, admin functions).
RIS Synergy
Completion of the use cases and user stories. Start with detailed development of the interface definition based on the metadata process and further training of the new staff on these topics. Prioritisation of work packages
Charm offensive PDB
Display open tasks in the PDB (My Tasks), revise entry pages and menu navigation, settings already made by the user should be saved (table views). Proposal for making call information selectable when creating a project submitted.
Think Tank PDB
Automated creation of W internal orders from PDB to SAP, project editing improved
Extension with new project types
Report additional resources Research
Charm offensive PDB
Room data - V2
In the second quarter of 2021, the following tasks were processed.
Operations Overview
OpenShift production instance
Automation/Monitoring Dspace and Official Signature (both OpenShift)
Research/test Storage NG (, Ceph Storage System) § Authentication/Redmine/Rocketchat set up for RIS Synergy
Continuous Integration improved/worked out (Gitea Jenkins OpenShift)
Training for CSD employees about the new systems (Continuous Integration)
Fast Lane
Changes in room reservation form and automated reply mail (GUT)
Changes in the export of applicants for procedure admins
Changes in the export of person and team nominations (BTA) §
Enabling the retrieval of LVA descriptions in the past (INF)
"Male discrimination": LVA "lecturing persons" instead of "lecturers" (AKG)
The following tasks were worked on in the second quarter
GUT DMS (completed this quarter).
Release end of April, creation of training material, help with implementation
Electronic vouchers (completed in this quarter)
Administration of voucher pools, upload of vouchers, assignment of vouchers to students, notification emails
Web Service Data Network
Planning of the extended display of data from the data network in TISS
Online - Admission
Ongoing implementation of the user interface for individual applications; completion of the administration of standard decisions for supplementary examinations and access authorizations for study deans and dean's office employees
Learning spaces
Silent Release. Test in production environment. Prepared for release version 1.0.
Introduction of official signature
Logging and publishing of hash values of signed documents, TISS-wide reconciliation of metadata model, refactoring of all self-service/STAB/CEC documents to a unified data structure, migration routines for existing documents to the new data structure.
TOKU - Case management (FAW/ Boku) - basic framework
Build library UI components in TUW design , create cases, edit and delete cases,
Internal events / TU-Events
TU-Events-Life-Cycle completely reworked for better scalability. Input masks revised. Text modules revised.
TISS Accessible Redesign
Termination of cooperation with the design company due to lack of competence in accessibility. Search (and find) a new design company using test widgets. Define key points of the collaboration.
AHESN next
Release sending interfaces for individual performance and recognition resource. Coordination with Uni Vienna
Schließsystem new
In consultation with PKE, identify, reprogram, and replace individual interfaces.
Appeal process
Initial version of the process for initiating the appeal process and for text determination and corresponding UI views; conversion to the process start in the Finance planning tool.
Automated SAP Invoices
Identify other users for automated invoice generation. Create a common set of specifications for implementation in SAP.
Conference with payment system
Integration in ConfTool completed.
Workflow Engine - tender workflow
Commissioning of the digital workflow on the part of FB Bewerbungsmanagement and insight, rework
Plagiarism software
Contact regarding connection ZeSL/turnitin
Inter Institutional Agreements (EWP)
Start with the implementation of interfaces
Billing tool research centers
Faculty was on site. Requirements are collected by the department.
Publications (replacement reposiTUm and publication database)
Submit for report implemented, definition of metadata for remaining publication types, further development of reposiTUm (statistics and preview), layout adaptations of dSpace to TU Wien specifications (and TISS redesign), preliminary work on migration, validation process defined, integration of data warehouse.
Data Management Plan (damap)
Presentation and acceptance of prototype ("Demo release"), adaptations of backend and frontend to updated requirements from the department of research data management, especially recording of licenses, query of legal and ethical topics concerning research data, documentation and data quality, export function for creation of DMPs according to FWF template implemented, adaptation of frontend to TU Wien design requirements
RIS Synergy
Processing of prioritized work packages and related detailed requirements. Familiarization with CERIF standard and start with development of a data model. Active collaboration CSD in the teams "Program Information", "Project Information", "Research Output" and team lead for team "Technology".
Charm offensive PDB
Display open tasks in the PDB (My Tasks), revise entry pages and menu navigation, improve search (flow and display).
Think Tank PDB
Requirements survey and effort estimation system new debtors from PDB (SAP Webservices), survey and documentation project manager change as basis for requirements survey in the departments, change project type now also for BUH Proje
In the third quarter of 2021, the following tasks were processed.
Overview Operation
Set up official signature productive system
More applications on Openshift PROD
Smaller projects will be migrated to the new Continuous Integration system
Continuous Delivery (CD) will be expanded with a focus on Openshift PROD and CD will also lay the foundations for the API gateway.
Fast Lane
LVA and pool registration specifically for architecture for new curriculum
Changes to room reservation form and automated reply mail (GUT)
Additional information for voucher download for students
Adaptation to new calculation logic for chain contract
Upload for posters and reports for theses in Computer Science
Third gender in the overall export of the admission procedure
In the third quarter of 2021, the following tasks were processed
Learning spaces - roomTUlearn (completed in this quarter)
Presentation and coordination with ZESL.
Incorporate text changes from ZESL.
TOKU - Case management (FAW/ Boku) - basic framework (completed in this quarter).
First test version for FTS with create records, records list view, records detail view, interface to PDB incl. auto-completion of PDB data, edit records, extension of the Component Library incl. adaptation to TUW design - components can be used for all Angular projects.
Extension of metadata, optimisation of metadata batch processing, discussion with department heads for optimisation in the use of the DMS.
Records Management - Research and Transfer Support
Go Live first test version
Room catalogue
Extension of data integration room catalogue (transfer of data from GUT Typo3 room catalogue), creation of frontend for room catalogue (reconstruction of Typo3 page for seamless integration on GUT page), new room characteristics
Automated SAP invoices
Coordination with finance and SAP team on concrete procedure. Finance still has to coordinate the workflow for automatically generated invoices internally.
Webshop library
Library defines which payments are to be processed first with a webshop. Test webshop set up together with the library.
TISS Accessible Redesign
Formulate the new "design language" of TISS (information design).
First accessible widgets designed and implemented for TISS.examples.
Web Services Data Network
No progress in QIII/21
Online approval
Adaptations to process and user interface, testing
Introduction of official signature
Completion of the official signature service for the Studies Department; further development of the signature of documents in Self-Service/STAB/CEC
Plagiarism software
Contact regarding connection ZeSL/turnitin
Inter Institutional Agreement (IIA) (EWP)
API s to EWP, preparation of import of existing contract data
Accessible PDF certificates
PDF software product evaluated and installed on a test server. First PDF individual certificate rebuilt barrier-free in HTML.
Deletion of study applications
Development of deletion strategy
UG Amendment 2021
Survey of necessary adjustments for amendment of the UG.
TUdo in Onboarding
Requirements survey, analysis of the current situation SAP/TISS.
Internal events / TU events
Bug fixes. Revise user interfaces. Revise series appointments.Analysis and documentation for virtual formats (webinar, e-learning, hybrid, etc.).
Appointment process
Revision of the process parts in the rectorate when initiating appointment procedures.Process adaptations for the different variants of § 99 professorships.
Workflow engine - tender workflow
Handling of the first conference with ConfTool planned for September 2021. Terms and conditions for webshop(s).
Billing tool for research centresCharma offensive PDB
Faculty was on site.
Requirements are being collected by the department.
Test and production of the open tasks in the PDB (My Tasks), further improvements in the frontend based on feedback from users, improvement of search (simple and advanced search).
Think Tank PDB
Data protection and interaction damap (requirements survey done)
Extension to include new project types
Rough requirements survey for the detailed projects has been carried out.
Grant payment
Necessary adaptation of Grant Agreement and export for Beneficiary Tool (delay of goLive on the part of the European Commission - conversion / adaptations should take place at the end of 09/21)
Data Management Plan (damap)
Export as Word or madmp, focus on security issues, separation of general version and TU version, further developments to complete version 1, presentation of progress damap tool within the FAIR Data AUSTRIA project, frontend search repositories, "example file upload" now allows determination of file type to facilitate data set specification
RIS Synergy
Processing of prioritised work packages and associated detailed requirements. Familiarisation with CERIF standard and start with the development of a data model. Active participation of CSD in the teams "programme information", "project information", "research output" and team lead for the team "technology". Active participation in the RIS Synergy coordination meeting.
AHESN next
Receiving interfaces for LVA, individual credits and recognition; user interface for entering partner universities into the curricula of cooperative studies; user interface for entering the codes of the curriculum items into the curriculum.
3G Check/ Digital Green Certificate
In advance, students and staff can link a vaccination certificate to the TISS personal account and thus generate a personal TISS "access screen" with name, date of birth and photo of TUcard. The TISS "access screen" can be easily checked on site.
In the fourth quarter of 2021, the following tasks were processed.
Operations overview
Continuous opening of the deployment processes of code changes towards developers
4-eyes principle for code changes through pull requests
Fast Lane
ACE adjustments (renaming to ACE, exchange of logos, adjustment of WIFI diploma)
Improvement of examination blocks (display of student key figures, fallback for study plans that have already expired)
Access adjustment - simplification of student access
Recruitment advertisement categories implemented for C.K.
Additional activities in advertisement text for C.K.
Career positions advertisement text adapted for C.K.
Aurora API
Dates of graduation: Sorting of names adapted
Locking system emergency adjustment due to unannounced update of PKE
The following section reports on the progress of the tasks to be processed in the fourth quarter of 2021.
Check/ Digital Green Certificate
Layout adjustments for linking with building scan, adaptation for "G" validities
PDB charm offensive
The last request from the charm offensive "My Tasks" was made productive after the test phase. This means that all open tasks are now clearly displayed within the project database. The search and also the result lists have been improved considerably, so that working in the project database is even easier for the users.
Implementation of various optimisation requests (extension of metadata, update of authorisation allocation, optimisation of auto log off time, bug fixes).
Records Management - Research and Transfer Support
Upload, download, edit and display documents
Room catalogue
Enhancement of room catalogue with further properties, extension of tab "Lecture Tube" to "Teaching" (blackboard/whiteboard, beamer, number of sockets in seating), import of Typo3 room catalogue
Automated SAP invoices
After Finance has decided on the (automated) workflow, draw up a joint specification with the SAP team.
Webshop library
Define structures for productive webshop
TISS Accessible Redesign
Design additional accessible widgets, implement them, integrate them into jTISS (Primefaces) and rTISS (modules), first system tests.
Online admission
Integration of the specified supplementary examinations into the study data, testing
Introduction of official signature
Completion of official signature for Self-Service/STAB/CEC, integration in accessible documents
Optimised data transfer TISS <-> TUWEL
Connection/creation of TUWEL courses via API
Automatic creation of all lecturers in TUWEL
Inter Institutional Agreement (IIA) (EWP)
Tests for data exchange with partner universities, implementation of a notification centre for updates in the EWP network, input and editing of own IIA, display of IIA of partner HEI, API's between EWP Service and Webapp
Accessible PDF certificates
Individual and collective certificates generically reproduced. PDFs look "clean" and are largely (>90%) barrier-free.
Deletion of study applications
Development of the deletion strategy
UG Amendment 2021
Survey and planning of the necessary adjustments for the amendment of the UG.
Online Learning Agreement
Implementation planning, restoration of test environment, clarification of responsibilities, notification centre, testing in the EWP network, displaying OLA CNRs (notification of a change) in the notification centre.
AHESN next
Completion of UI for administration of partner universities in curricula of cooperative studies and UI for administration of curriculum positions.
TUdo in Onboarding
Requirement survey, analysis of actual situation SAP/TISS.
Internal events / TU events
Bug fixes. Revise user interfaces, analysis and documentation for new participant workflow.
Appointment process
Additional correction loop between Rector and Dean when determining the exploratory committee, updating the templates for the advertisement text using new templates.
Conference with payment system
Processing of the first conference with ConfTool in September 2021 / Euro-C 2022, general terms and conditions for webshop(s).
Publications (replacement of reposiTUm and publication database)
Test phase, especially with regard to acceptance before going live (incl. documentation and help pages in coLab). All publication types except patents and special contributions can be entered. Interface to DWH is being tested by DWH. Development of dual layout reposiTUm / publications.
Think Tank PDB
Implementation of the 4-eyes-principle "Final financial report" for EU projects in PDB (adaptation of guidelines in progress), improvement of UI, interface SAP - FWF (project accounting, RIS Synergy).
Info: Change of project leader and funding opportunities have been transferred to a separate task.
Expansion to include new project types
Internal research funding was transferred to Task 64/21 Funding opportunities. Detailed requirements for small and micro-projects have been defined, coordination with users on implementation is underway, and a workshop was held to gather requirements for cooperation projects.
Data Management Plan (damap)
Coordination and adjustments regarding template with users, security topics were implemented as far as possible, adjustment of UI, Minimal Viable Product (MVP) released at the end of November, Fair Data Workshop at the beginning of December, common goals and schedule agreed, development plan for 2022 drafted and coordinated with FAIR Data project.
RIS Synergy
Active participation of CSD in the teams "programme information", "project information", "research output" and team lead for team "technology". Active participation in the RIS Synergy coordination meeting. Setting up the project structures for the implementation of the defined requirements. Implementation of the registry and first interface implementation with the "Organisation" team.
DSGVO recording of personal data in research projects and traceability.
- Link to Akarion in PDB (to create processing directory according to DSGVO)
- GDPR collection of personal data in research projects and traceability in FIS (insight)
- make personal data already collected in research projects available to affected applications via interfaces
Scholarship payment
Necessary adaptation of export for Beneficiary Tool (delay of goLive on the part of the European Commission - conversion again postponed to 11/21) Process adaptation for extension of stay abroad