The following questions refer to the central TYPO3 instance and the WordPress service "TUwebsiteHosting" in the profile "TU Wien".

Technical questions

Automatic migration of content is not possible. All content must be migrated manually and independently by you as editors.

You can also use this migration to update your website. You can find information and support on the creating websites page.

Free HTML content elements offer many possibilities, but can also lead to many problems. Under certain circumstances, "home-made" content can lead to security problems, is not barrier-free or complies with data protection regulations, or contradicts the corporate design.

If you want to embed something, please contact us at . We will check it and help you if necessary. If it is something that several organisational units need, for example, this can then possibly be implemented in a legally compliant variant for all of them.

As long as you haven't gone live with the new site, your old site will remain accessible under the corresponding URL. The Infoserver will be available until the end of 2022, even after your website has been migrated.
The institute server has already been shut down and is no longer accessible.


More content is available after login .