Project PASSt!

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The PASSt project, short for "Predictive Analytics Services for Student Success Management," has been successfully completed! TU Wien led this project…

Switching to Google Noto Fonts

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In the future, no more empty rectangles will appear in the generated PDF, as the font for PDF creation in TISS is being switched to Google Noto.

Release News

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In addition to various ongoing projects, CSD is constantly working on improvements for TISS. Recently, several changes were released that are not…

Decommissioning of mail.student

After the migration of the service "Email for students" to Exchange Online, access to mail.student will be deactivated as of July 11, 2023.

Switching to ID Austria

The mobile phone signature will be replaced by ID Austria in the course of the year. The TU Wien is also changing its related services.